Information about the "First construction expertise"
Prerequisites for creating a company

For many years in a row in Ukraine as a whole, and in the city of Kyiv in particular, a frantic pace of construction development was observed. But at the same time, problems surfaced, among which the main one was the problem of the legality of the construction of some objects. In addition, the quality of construction works did not always correspond to existing regulatory documents. All of the above was related to the old, imperfect mechanism of control over the start of construction, which was often used by builders unfamiliar with the law. Therefore, the issues of construction quality, safe operation of buildings, construction structures and structures, compliance of the performed works with design documentation, and others have become very relevant.
In order to change such a situation in the construction industry, a legislative mechanism has appeared, which in particular regulates the issue of issuing permits for construction. This is the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Improvement of Urban Planning". From now on, permission for the construction of residential complexes, shopping and entertainment centers and office centers (objects of medium and significant class of consequences) will be issued only if there is a complete package of permission documentation checked by the relevant authority. This increases control over compliance with the legality of construction in Ukraine. After all, the documentation is submitted only in originals with a check for compliance with the legislation, and is not accepted "on faith", as was the case before. In addition, the law obligates to obtain a construction expert's opinion on the construction project.
Presentation video about our expert company
We have united professional experts in the construction industry
It was to perform the functions of expertise in the field of construction that a team of professional qualified specialists with many years of practice, extensive work experience and knowledge of the business created a company and united in the limited liability company "First Construction Expertise".
Any construction documentation, regardless of the specialist who prepares it, needs to be carefully checked. Unfortunately, no one is immune from mistakes, even the most experienced professionals. And the quality of the construction and the safety of operation of the constructed object ultimately depend on how properly the documents will be prepared.
Examination of construction documentation before the start of construction is a mandatory stage through which every construction or reconstruction project (objects of medium and significant consequence class) must go through. According to the law, it is possible to obtain an expert opinion from the relevant state bodies or contact a non-governmental organization that has permission to conduct an examination of project documentation. If necessary, the expert company can make comments on the project, which must be taken into account in order to obtain a positive conclusion and further permission for construction.
Carrying out comprehensive examination of construction projects
LLC "First Construction Expertise" has the right to carry out a comprehensive examination of construction projects, which is confirmed by the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine. Our company is included in the "List of expert organizations" according to the criteria that must be met by expert organizations that carry out the expertise of construction projects. This list is published on the official website of the Ministry of Regions of Ukraine at the link: .
"First Construction Expertise" has united deeply knowledgeable and highly qualified professional specialists with extensive practical experience and knowledge of current regulatory documents. Our construction experts at a high professional level carry out an examination of construction projects of any complexity and any total estimated cost.